March 2019 Conference: Agenda
Welcome remarks and a plenary session on the current state of Russian-American relations will be open to the public. Both major issue areas of the conference will be covered in a series of four roundtable discussions and a policy workshop open only to invited experts and students. Each session will feature presentations by Russian and American speakers, followed by discussion. To ensure interactive debate and allow sufficient time for interaction among participants, the speakers are requested to restrict their initial remarks to 7 minutes. On the agenda, the title of each session is accompanied by a tentative list of questions for discussion.
Monday, March 18
Hall 1, MGIMO University
15.00 – 15.15: Registration |
15.15 – 16.00: Welcome Session |
16.00 – 16.15: Break |
16.15 – 18.00: Plenary Session. Overcoming Roadblocks to Russia-U.S. Cooperation How have Russia-U.S. relations evolved over the past year? What are the consequences of the deterioration in Russia-U.S. nuclear arms control agreements, and is it reversible? What role do regional security issues – in Europe, the Middle East, the Korean Peninsula, and the post-Soviet space – play in bilateral relations? How could domestic political processes in the United States and Russia affect Russia-U.S. relations? |
Tuesday, March 19
Hall 423, MGIMO University
10.00 – 13.00: Policy Workshop. Climate Mitigation and Adaptation (Room 216) What are the major areas of disagreement and potential cooperation between the United States and Russia on climate mitigation and adaptation? |
13.00 – 14.15: Lunch break |
14.15 – 15.45: Session 1. Energy, Sustainable Development, and Law in the Arctic What are the key barriers to renewable energy transition and energy efficiency in the Arctic, and what are the United States and Russia doing to overcome them? Are the three pillars of sustainability – social, economic, and the environment – a guiding light in current energy development in the Arctic? What is the current balance between the universal rules of the Law of the Sea and regional as well as bilateral legal activities of the Arctic States? How can legal frameworks be strengthened to encourage sustainable development in the Arctic? What opportunities exist for knowledge sharing and collaboration on Arctic sustainability between Russia and the United States in local, regional, and national contexts? |
15.45 – 16.15: Break |
16.15 – 17.45: Session 2. The Future of Russia-U.S. Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Agreements What are the consequences of the disintegration of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty? What are the prospects of maintaining arms control in strategic nuclear forces? How will the implementation of the latest Nuclear Posture Review in the United States affect the military balance and security in Eurasia? What are the perspective trends in the evolution of hypersonic weapons and missile defense systems? |
Wednesday, March 20
Hall 423, MGIMO University
10.00 – 13.00: Policy Workshop. Strategic Stability in the New Nuclear Age (Room 216) What are the major areas of disagreement and potential cooperation between the United States and Russia on strategic stability in the new nuclear age? |
13.00 – 14.15: Lunch break |
14.15 – 15.45: Session 3. The Roles of the United States and Russia in International Climate Change Negotiations How is the issue of climate change assessed by Russian and American societies, scientists, and decision-makers? What is the role of the climate agenda in Russian and American priorities in local, regional, and national contexts? How do Moscow and Washington assess achievements and prospects of international negotiations on climate change? What are the opportunities and risks for Russian and American businesses created by the rise of international environmental regulations and the green economy? |
15.45 – 16.15: Break |
16.15 – 17.45: Session 4. Maintaining the Global Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime How does the deterioration of nuclear arms control agreements between Russia and the United States affect the global nuclear non-proliferation regime and attempts to suppress nuclear terrorism worldwide? How does the adoption of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty affect the nuclear non-proliferation norm and the political status of ‘nuclear-weapon states’ under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons? What are the prospects for settling the North Korea nuclear weapons issue, and how does it affect the global nuclear non-proliferation regime? Could escalating Russian-American tensions affect international regimes prohibiting other weapons of mass destruction? |
17.45 – 18.45 Closing Reception |