MGIMO Delegation at Tufts University
On March 5–11, students of the International Relations Master’s Degree Program participated in the 2019 Education for Public Inquiry and International Citizenship (EPIIC) International Symposium “Migration in a Turbulent World,” organized by Tufts University.
On the first day of the symposium, 14 student teams from universities in Russia, Canada, Israel, France, Brazil, Argentina, Greece, China, Singapore, as well as the host university presented reports on the migration situation and migration policy of their countries.
Then, students took part in the expert panels as listeners and panelists. During the symposium, Paul Collier, Professor of Oxford University and the author of well-known books on migration Exodus: How Migration Has Changed Our World as well as The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties, and graduate of MGIMO University Miroslav Lajčák, who currently serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia and had previously served as a Chairman of the 22nd session of the UN General Assembly addressed the public.
As a part of the cultural activities, the students toured the university campus as well as the city of Boston.
The organizers of the symposium as well as its participants managed to create an atmosphere of productive exchange of opinions, experiences, and views on contemporary challenges related to migration, discussed possible solutions to these challenges and scenarios for the development of migration trends.
This piece was translated and republished from MGIMO website.