Alumni Media

Sam Bendett on CNA Talks: National Security Podcast

With Sam Bendett, AlumnusThe Fletcher School

Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, starting with an education program from AI that teaches US Air Force personnel the fundamentals of AI across three types: leaders, developers, and users. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission unveils its draft Strategic Enforcement Plan to target AI-based hiring bias. The US Department of State establishes the Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology to bring “additional technology policy expertise, diplomatic leadership, and strategic direction to the Department’s approach to critical and emerging technologies.” Google calls in its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, to help with the potential threat over ChatGPT and other AI technology. Researchers from Northwestern University publish research that demonstrates how ChatGPT can write fake research paper abstracts that can pass plagiarism checkers, and that human reviewers were only able to correctly identify 68% of the generated abstracts. Wolfram publishes an essay on a way to combine the computational powers of ChatGPT with Wolfram|Alpha. CheckPoint Research demonstrates how cybercriminals can use ChatGPT for nefarious exploits (to include people without any experience in generating malicious tools). Researchers at Carnegie Mellon demonstrate that full body tracking is now possible using only WiFi signals, with comparable performance to image-based approaches. Microsoft introduces VALL-E, a text-to-speech AI model that can mimic anyone’s voice with only three seconds of sample input. The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible AI is the book of the week, with numerous essays on the philosophical, ethical, legal, and societal challenges that AI brings; Cambridge has made the book open-access online. And finally, Sam Bendett joins for an update on the latest AI and autonomy-related information from Russia as well as Ukraine.

Listen to the podcast episode here.

This podcast episode is republished from CNA Talks.

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