Alumni Media

Targeting Putin’s Wallets: Exploring the Impact of Sanctions on Russian Oligarchs

Event Panelist Mike Eckel, Alumnus of The Fletcher School at Tufts University

A part of the Aftershocks: Russia, Ukraine and the New World Order event series.

Russia’s oligarchs emerged from the chaos of the 1990s entrenched atop former state enterprises and, in the years since, have continued to dominate the country’s economy. At the same time, they funneled billions in wealth into offshore real estate, bank accounts, and luxury goods—wealth that may now prove vulnerable to Western authorities.

New America and the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center held a panel to discuss how the financial crackdown will affect Russia’s economic titans and the places they have secreted their wealth.

Panelists included: Mike Eckel, Senior Correspondent, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; Luke Harding, Foreign Correspondent, The Guardian
Author of Shadow State; Brian O’Toole, Nonresident Senior Fellow, GeoEconomics Center at the Atlantic Council with Candace Rondeaux Director, Future Frontlines at New America
Professor of Practice, School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University Senior Fellow, Center on the Future of War at Arizona State University as Moderator.

This piece is republished from New America.

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