
The following faculty teach courses and bring to their own work gender and intersectional perspectives.

Cécile Aptel

Cécile Aptel

Professor of Practice of International Law, The Fletcher School

Tom Dannenbaum

Tom Dannenbaum

Associate Professor of International Law, The Fletcher School

Alex de Waal

Alex de Waal

Research Professor, The Fletcher School; Executive Director, World Peace Foundation

Alnoor Ebrahim

Alnoor Ebrahim

Professor of Management, The Fletcher School

Karen Jacobsen

Karen Jacobsen

Henry J. Leir Professor in Global Migration, The Fletcher School

Ian Johnstone

Ian Johnstone

Professor of International Law, The Fletcher School

Daniel Maxwell

Daniel Maxwell

Henry J. Leir Professor in Food Security, The Fletcher School; Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

Dyan Mazurana

Dyan Mazurana

Research Professor, The Fletcher School; Research Director, Feinstein International Center

Richard Schultz

Richard Schultz

Lee E. Dirks Professor of International Politics, The Fletcher School; Director, International Security Studies Program

Elizabeth Stites

Elizabeth Stites

Research Director in Conflict and Livelihoods, Feinstein International Center;
Research Associate Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy;
Associate Research Professor, Fletcher School

Kimberly Theidon

Kimberly Theidon

Henry J. Leir Professor of International Humanitarian Studies, The Fletcher School

Monica Toft

Monica Toft

Professor of International Politics, The Fletcher School; Director, Center for Strategic Studies

Christopher R. Tunnard

Christopher R. Tunnard

Professor of Practice of International Business, The Fletcher School

Bridget Conley

Bridget Conley

Associate Professor, The Fletcher School; Research Director, World Peace Foundation