Operation: Shark Week Preparation

What do NBC Sports, Fox News, and the New York Post have in common? They all made an announcement that Michael Phelps will be participating in the 29th season of Shark Week. Sure, NBC sports and the New York Post don’t agree on whether or not he will be racing a shark, but it’s clear that the Discovery Channel wants to do something special.
With Shark Week almost a month away, there are plenty of things you can do to get ready:
- Discovery Channel has compiled a place where you can view video clips from last year, browse their Sharkopedia to learn new things and look at what it means to be a Shark Finbassador.
- Request a copy of the movie Jaws , Open Water, or The Shallows from the library catalog.
- Stream shark videos on Kanopy.
- Read Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand.
- Learn about shark cartilage on MedlinePlus.
- Watch one of our favorite clips from Jaws.
- Hop on Pinterest and make a shark craft. (If you do this, please share your creations via Twitter @TuftsHHSL )
The count down to Discovery Channel’s Shark-Week has begun!