We can’t have enough e-resources in times like these. Here is a list of the latest e-Books that have been added to our collection. These 2020 editions and recent releases are all available to you now from AccessMedicine and R2. Stay safe out there!


The big picture physiology : Medical course & step 1 review | 2020 edition

Current diagnosis & treatment : Pediatrics | 25th edition

Current practice guidelines in primary care | 2020 edition

Current diagnosis & treatment surgery | 15th edition

Review of medical microbiology & immunology : A guide to clinical infectious diseases

Clinical neuroanatomy | 29th edition

Infectious diseases : a clinical short course | 4th edition

Graber and Wilbur’s family medicine examination & board review | 5th edition

Promoting Child And Adolescent Mental Health

International nutrition : Achieving millennium goals and beyond


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