We are opening the Library Service Desk! [Updated 7/30]
On Tuesday, July 6th, we re-opened the Library Service Desk! For students who haven’t been to the library in a while (or at all), this will be an adjustment for us all. Our hours will be truncated while we transition to coming back to the desk full-time.

Beginning Sunday August 1st, our hours will be as follows:
M-Thu: Desk 7:45 am – 8pm
Fri: Desk 7:45 am – 7 pm
Sat: Desk 10-3; online staffed hours 3-6 pm
Sun: Desk open 12-5; online staffed hours 5-8 pm
The building will remain open until midnight, with last entry at 11pm.
The lockers for “curbside pickup” will stay where they are for now, still only usable for book requests. For more about requesting books, or checking out books when the desk is not open, please visit our page about distance checkout.