Hirsh Holiday Hours 2021 [Updated 12/20/21}
For the holiday break this year, Hirsh Library will have some adjusted hours:

December 17th: 7:45am – 5pm
December 18th & 19th: Closed
December 20th – 23rd: 8am – 5pm
December 21st – 23rd: Library Service Desk Closed, remote help available until 5pm.
December 24th – January 2nd: Closed*
January 3rd: Return to regular hours (7:45am – 11pm)
*Please note, the 24th – 2nd is a Tufts University level closure, so the building will not be accessible via card swipe. Put your feet up and relax! Or go exploring!
If you need any assistance while we’re closed, you can always feel free to e-mail hhsl@tufts.edu, and someone will get back to you. The desk will follow the above hours, but we’re here to help, and we like to make sure we always can help.
But no matter what, we here at Hirsh Library hope you have a relaxing and rejuvenating break, and we’ll see you back here in January!