Auf wiedersehen, Sarah Passinhas-Bergman!
Que Sarah, Sarah. Our favorite, longtime library reference assistant, Sarah Passinhas-Bergman, is moving on to greener (crimson-er?) pastures as the student services coordinator for the Committee on the Study of Religion and German Languages Department at Harvard University.
Sarah has been with Hirsh for just over three years, and her presence at the circulation desk will be sorely missed. If you’ve checked something out at the circulation desk in the last three years, you’ve most likely interacted with her!
Throughout Sarah’s time here, she has mastered the management of our course reserves system, helped with a myriad of research questions, and fought with JumboPrint on a daily basis. We’re particularly thankful to Sarah for her hand in the meticulous upkeep of our course reserves.
Sarah’s last day will be tomorrow, Wednesday, November 9th. Be sure to wish her luck and say goodbye!