Happy fall, everyone!

Despite the recent summery weather, all of us over here at Hirsh are looking forward to sweater weather and, more importantly–Halloween!

We’ve got a few events down the line, but if you’re already excited about Halloween and looking to pregame for a horror movie marathon, come check out our Wretched Reads display in the Hirsh Leisure Lounge. We’ve selected our favorite creepy and not-so-creepy reads, ranging from killer sharks to scary fairy tales. Come and check them out in the Leisure Lounge, where they can be found on display near the printers:

Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice (a repeat again, we know, but it is a classic)

Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories, an Anthology (for some short YA stories)

Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher (the aforementioned scary fairy tale)

The Gunslinger by Stephen King (less horror, more sci-fi, featuring an adventure in a mysterious and nightmarish world–creepy enough for me)

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (because we love Mary Shelley)

Joyland by Stephen King (sorry to Stephen King you twice, but again, for a reason)

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (a creepy and disorienting haunted house book)

Dracula by Bram Stoker (you know we love a vampire)

The Last Seance by Agatha Christie (scary stories from the queen of mystery herself)

World War Z by Max Brooks (for an unconventional take on zombies)

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness (more fun than creepy, if you want to read about witches and vampires but don’t want to be too scared)

Jaws by Peter Benchley (big shark! big shark!)

And finally, my personal favorite book of all time: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, the best haunted house novel of all time.

Happy scary reads!


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