Preserve and Share Your Data with Dryad Digital Repository is a curated general-purpose repository that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Dryad has integrated data submission for a growing list of journals, but submission of data from other publications is also welcome.
Submission integration allows journal publishers to coordinate the submission of manuscripts with submission of data to Dryad. Benefits:
- Simplify the process of data submission for authors.
- Allow authors to deposit, to a single repository, gigabytes of data files in their original formats.
- Reduce the rate of noncompliance with journal data policy.
- Have the option of making data available for editorial or peer review, via secure access for editors and reviewers.
- Ensure bidirectional links between the article and the data and increased visibility for both.
- Ensure that the data is accessible once the article becomes available online.
- Give authors the option to embargo public access to data for a limited time after publication, if permitted by the journal’s data policy.