Analyze Boston

Analyze Boston

Working on a research paper that needs some Boston specific facts and figures? Looking for a place to peruse the City of Boston’s open data? Check out Analyze Boston to view public facts, figures and maps displaying data that connects the city with it’s inhabitants. Browse data sets on food establishment inspections, police reports, electrical use, moving permits and more.

Keep in mind, this website’s searching abilities are not as strong as some of the other databases you’re used to using. For example, if you wanted information about all of the cases of graffiti being reported you wouldn’t be able to find a data set by search graffiti. You would have to know that the 311 data set contains this type of information, luckily a quick google search of “graffiti boston removal” would help you learn which organization’s data set to look for. Once you’re within a data set, you can limit the information so that you’re only seeing the information you’re interested in.

Check out Analyze Boston to browse the data and to learn more.