Currently viewing the category: "New Titles & Resources"


Taking the dental boards this summer? Get up to speed with Board Vitals!

The Hirsh Library has recently licensed a study tool for Parts I & II of the National Dental Board Examination. Its question bank is comprised of questions with answers (this many) in the following sections:

Part I

  • Anatomy, Embryology & Histology (199)
  • Biochemistry (110)
  • Dental Anatomy & Occlusion (247)
  • Microbiology (103)
  • Pathology (131)
  • Physiology (123)

Part II

  • Endodontics (97)
  • Operative Dentistry (154)
  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Pain Control (158)
  • Oral Diagnosis (137)
  • Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry (171)
  • Patient Management, Behavioral Science, Dental Public Health & Occupational Safety (85)
  • Periodontics (63)
  • Pharmacology (120)
  • Prosthodontics (103)

Design Options

  • Select categories or specialties to cover
  • Set a timer (or not)
  • Display questions randomly or ranked by question difficulty.

Cool Features

  • If your answer is incorrect, you can guess again until you click Show Explanation.
  • Your account will keep track of your scores for each category, so you can focus on your weaknesses.
  • You can search for questions by keywords.
  • You can flag and rank questions for further study.
  • Its explanations refer to chapters in textbooks we license or hold, so you can study in more depth.
  • Its Exam Review shows the explanation, your answer, the correct answer, and the percentage of exam takers who got each question right.


  • Go to
  • Click Sign Up and register with your Tufts email.
  • Check your email for its activation link.
  • Board Vitals should launch with Go buttons for NBDE I & II above trials you can ignore.

Faculty may request administrative accounts by contacting elizabeth . richardson @ tufts . edu.  Elizabeth Richardson will also be presenting this resource to D’18 students at the Board Review session this Friday, 5/8/15, at 12pm in Merritt Auditorium.

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The month of April was a busy one for us, with much time spent getting new books to add to our ever-growing collection. Here’s a sampling of some of our new reads for you to enjoy, so stop by the library and check out the new book section on the 4th floor!

We’re always looking for book and resource suggestions, so if you’ve got one please let us know by recommending a purchase.

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Looking for a new way to read journals? Ovid has a new journal app called OvidToday that will allow you to read articles on your iPad! With this app you’ll be able to browse through Ovid journal titles, download ahead of print articles, and add article PDFs to personal lists for easy retrieval. The best thing of all—it’s FREE! Read more about OvidToday here.




Are you in a reading rut? Do you need a break from your textbook? The library has recently acquired some new leisure reading books, so swing by our new books section across from the 4th floor library service desk. Here are some of our recently added titles:

What books did we miss? Let us know what you’d like to see in our collection by recommending a purchase.

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clinically_oriented_anatomy          grants_atlas_of_anatomy

The library has recently acquired a large collection of basic and anatomical sciences eBooks! Popular titles such as Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, and many others are now available electronically. There are too many titles to list here, so check out this PDF for the whole list!

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Who doesn’t look forward to the taste thrills of Hanukkah?  Latkes and jelly donuts…so yummy!!!! But when you start thinking about some of the oils that go into making those treats so crispy and tasty (vegetable shortening!), maybe not so yummy…

Is there healthier oil out there for frying those latkes? Is coconut oil for donuts a more heart smart choice than shortening? Find out in the Hirsh Library’s newest addition to its collection, Healthy oils: fact versus fiction. 


Now available at the Hirsh Library:

Healthy oils: fact versus fiction.
Myrna Chandler Goldstein and Mark A. Goldstein, MD.
Santa Barbara, California : Greenwood, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, [2014] Available: HHSL 4th floor – New Book Display

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We’ve recently added several new titles to our collection and we hope you’ll stop by to check them out! If you need a break from your textbook, take a look at our new book section across from the 4th floor library service desk. We have a wide variety of books to choose from. Here are a few of our recent additions:

Is there something out there that you’d like to see on our shelves? We’re always looking for suggestions, so please feel free to recommend a purchase.

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The library is always adding new books to our growing collection. We’ve recently put out on the shelves many books that were featured on the New York Times’ Bestsellers List for science books. Make sure to stop by and pick one up!  Here are just a few examples:

We’ve also acquired a few new titles on the topic of communication in medicine that we hope you will find useful:

Let’s not forget about the dentists! Make sure to check out Partnerships in Dental Practice and Dollars and Dentists (Frontline Documentary) at the new book section across from the 4th floor library service desk.

Did we forget anything? If there’s something we don’t have that you’d like to see in the catalog, let us know by recommending a purchase.

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What is BrowZine?
The library is now sponsoring BrowZine, a new tablet application that allows you to browse, read and monitor many of the library’s scholarly journals. All in a format optimized for your iPad, Android, or Kindle Fire HD Tablets!

BrowZine MyBookshelf

Browzine Features
• Browse and read journals by subject

• Download full articles

• Create your own bookshelf

• Be notified when new articles are published (iOS only, Android coming)

• Save articles for off-line reading

• Export to services such as DropBox, Mendeley, RefWorks, Zotero, Papers and more.

To learn more, please take a look at this short two minute video:



Download Now (Tablets & iOS v7.x+)
Getting started is easy! From your tablet, find BrowZine in the Apple App, Google Play or Amazon App store  
and download it for free. When initially launching BrowZine, select ‘Tufts University’ from the drop down list. Enter your Tufts username and password. Start exploring BrowZine! BrowZine is also available on iPhones running iOS7+, but is currently unavailable for Android and Windows phones.

To start using BrowZine today, visit

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gladwell_david and goliath

Summer is the perfect time to pick up a book for fun at the Hirsh Library! We have some new books that we’ve just added to our collection from the New York Times’ Best Selling List for Science books. Here’s a list of a few new titles that we have out on the shelves:

Is there anything else you’re dying to read but we don’t have? If so, let us know by recommending a purchase.

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