
Example animation created by Professor James Intriligator. This animation is based on his patented technique for generating self-synchronizing animations. They should appear to move in-synch with whatever music you are listening to. Give it a try! You can find a longer version on YouTube — Radiant Rhythms

Radiant Rhythms

Thank you for the interest in Human Factors Engineering at Tufts University! On behalf of all our faculty I would like to tell you a little bit about our program. Tufts University is home to the country’s oldest undergraduate program in Human Factors. With deep roots in the history of […]


Tufts in the Genesis of Human Factors Engineering by Hal Miller-Jacobs Tufts College was one of the trailblazing institutions in the emerging field of Human Factors Engineering as a result of the Second World War.  In 1942 a study was conducted of Army antiaircraft artillery at Tufts, directed by Leonard […]

Program History

Human Factors Engineering (HFE) and the related discipline of Engineering Psychology (EP), is the study of how people interact with different objects in their environment. Human Factors Engineers consider the physical and mental capabilities, limitations, and aspirations of humans to design and improve products and systems. The overall goal of […]

What is Human Factors?

The Tufts Human Factors program is a close-knit and focused program that still allows students to pursue their passions. The interdisciplinary nature of the program gives students exposure to a multitude of topics ranging from Robotics, to medical devices, to Consumer Psychology and its small size ensures that students get […]

Why Tufts’ Human Factors?

HFES The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is an international professional organization for Human Factors Professionals. HFES includes a variety of Human Factors’ resources and information. It also hosts conferences and career resources that can be accessed by members. Students can apply for Student Membership with faculty endorsement for $35/year. […]

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