
Conflict Analysis Workshop

Fletcher students are invited to register for the weekend workshop “An Introduction to Conflict Analysis,” taught by Mark Rogers. This two-day course is intended to provide an initial introduction into conflict analysis. Participants will gain experience in working with tools and processes helpful in conflict analysis. The course design includes mini-lectures, experiential learning exercises and practical case applications. 

The morning of the first day covers stakeholder analysis including strategic listening to identify positions, interests and issues. Stakeholder analysis includes gender analysis, voices of identity, and dividers and connectors. In the afternoon, we will cover good practices in conflict analysis and introduce two current conflict analysis frameworks, USAID’s Conflict Analysis Framework II and RPP’s Conflict Analysis Framework. Working in small groups, participants will engage in stakeholder analysis using a case study.

The morning of the second day focuses on conflict dynamics and systems mapping. Working in small groups, participants will have an opportunity to develop a systems map from a case study. The afternoon will start with small group presentations, followed by a brief presentation of additional analytical tools, and discussion about of the practicalities in conducting field work.

Participants should have previously completed work on conflict theory, conflict transformation or basic peacebuilding. The course only covers analysis and does not cover subsequent strategy development, scenario planning, program entry points, or program design.

Saturday and Sunday, October 6-7, 2018
9 am – 5 pm each day
Mugar 231

Register here.

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