CJL’s Collaboration with Accountability Lab: M&E of Social Norms Related to Corruption
The Corruption, Justice & Legitimacy Program (CJL) is excited to announce our collaboration with Accountability Lab.

CJL’s Social Norms and Corruption project will be working with The Lab’s signature program – Integrity Icon to understand how best to effectively monitor and evaluate change in social norms related to corruption. Integrity Icon “names and fames” honest government officials, building coalitions for integrity among the winners and inspiring the next generation of public servants.
“We are delighted that AL sees value in centering social norms in corruption analysis and anti-corruption strategy and is working with us to create mutually beneficial learning opportunities to contribute to the effectiveness of the anti-corruption field,” says Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church, Co-Director at the CJL Program.
This collaboration entails a four-step process from exploration of social norms, developing an M & E framework, implementation to a final review.
“We are excited to partner with and learn from CJL. This collaboration will help us strengthen our M&E practices and enable us to adapt programming to increase our contribution to shifting norms in the civil service over time,” commented Cheri-Leigh Erasmus, Global Director of Learning at Accountability Lab.
Subscribe to the Corruption in Fragile States Blog, where we will post regular updates on our events, learnings, and research throughout this collaboration.
More About Accountability Lab: AL was founded in early 2012 as an effort to work with young people to develop new ideas for accountability, transparency and open government. It has evolved into a global network of local labs that are finding new ways to shift societal norms, solve intractable challenges and build “unlikely networks” for change.