EventsHuman Security Speaker Series

Conversation on Yemen with Bettina Muscheidt (GMAP01)

Bettina Muscheidt is the Ambassador and Head of Delegation for the EU to Yemen since 2012.  She is a very good friend of the Fletcher School and graduate of the first GMAP class in 2001.  She is also a graduate of Bonn University in Germany with a degree in Agricultural and Development Economics. Bettina has many years of experience and involvement as the EU Representative for foreign affairs and security policy in the Foreign Service, European Investment Bank and European Commission. Bettina also served in the European External Action Service, where she was part of the Political Desk in Afghanistan and Program Officer with the European Neighborhood Policy. Previously, she also served as Senior Policy Officer with the European Investment Bank in Brussels and as Country Officer of Gaza/ West Bank in Luxembourg.  As part of the European Commission, she was Project Officer for EU Representation in Jerusalem and Assistant Desk Officer for Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Monday, March 14, 2016
10 am – 11 am
Isobe Room

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