Henry J. Leir Institute for Migration and Human Security

Seeking equitable and sustainable approaches to migration and its root causes.

Past Research

These are projects undertaken by Leir Institute-affiliated faculty that have elapsed.

Building State Legitimacy

The substantive focus of this research was examining the role of legitimacy in the governance of conflict-affected or fragile states, and more specifically on how, in peacebuilding programs, perceptions of legitimacy intersect with political inclusion, provision of basic services, security sector governance and corruption in the criminal justice sector.

Transit Migration in the Americas

This research focuses on cities in Mexico that are grappling with intersecting flows of third-country migrants and Mexicans deported from the United States. The project entails mapping the origins, routes, and destinations of these displaced people; engaging local, national, and international stakeholders in dialogue about policy responses in the affected communities; and adapting lessons from existing research and other country experiences in the Mexican context.

Migration Crisis and State Fragility

The substantive focus of this research project examines how current migration flows affect citizen perceptions of the state, and therefore, challenge the legitimacy of the state. The research team is focusing on two regions – Europe and the Americas – to investigate how state and local authorities are managing migration challenges, and how these challenges may be affecting the perceived legitimacy of such authorities in “transit” states such as Greece and Mexico.