Loan Repayment Assistance Program

The Tufts Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) is designed to assist Fletcher graduates employed in the public and non-profit sectors to repay educational loans incurred while studying at Fletcher. Available both to U.S. and non-U.S. citizens, LRAP grants vary in size but may cover up to the full amount of each year’s student loan payment for debt incurred while at Fletcher. The LRAP committee will consider each applicant’s income, level of indebtedness, and overall need in determining award amounts. Fletcher graduates may apply for LRAP funds on an annual basis as long as the criteria of the program are met.

The Loan Repayment Assistance Program for graduates of the The Fletcher School program has been made possible through a generous donation from the estate of George B. and Helen J. Hargens and interest generated by the Omidyar Tufts Microfinance Fund. More information can be found at LRAP’s website.