Lisa’s Story
Lisa is an HIV patient who is experiencing virologic failure (her anti-HIV drugs have stopped working). She has been presented with two options: switch to a much more expensive drug (Truveda) or enroll in a clinical trial for a new drug. While Truveda has a very good chance of working against her strain of HIV, it also has a high chance of worsening her depression symptoms. Conversely, in early clinical trials, the new drug has shown no sign of causing depression, but it is unclear if it will work against her strain of HIV. In today’s lesson, students will need to decide if Lisa should switch to Truveda or enroll in a clinical trial.
Lisa’s story helps students understand what it means to have HIV and why new anti-HIV drugs are needed.
In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, workbook, and teacher resources, click the Box download (for .pptx, .docx, and PDF files) or the link to the Google Drive folder at the bottom of the page.
Learning Objectives:
- Students will be able to explain what HIV is and how it impacts the human body.
- Students will be able to recommend whether HIV patient Lisa should enroll in a clinical trial or start taking a drug already on the market after examining the pros and cons of each from various characters’ perspectives and coming to a group consensus.
- Students will be able to explain why new anti-HIV drugs are needed.
- Students will be able to talk about some of the hard choices that HIV patients must make.

Daily Slides

Data Notes
Homework Video
Homework Sheet