The Story of Stress
Day 1 of the BioScann Stress curriculum aims to help students better understand the biology of the stress response. Students play the role of a high school student who has been invited to participate in the creation of a public health campaign to educate their peers about stress. Jigsaw groups allow students to develop an understanding of the biological components of both the acute and chronic stress response. Finally, the class decides what part of the stress response pathway should be included in the public health campaign.
In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, workbook, and teacher resources, click the link to the Google Drive folder, or the Box download link (for .pptx, .docx, and PDF files) at the bottom of the page.
Learning Objectives:
- Students will be able to explain part of the stress response in the brain OR body.
- Students will evaluate their character’s sources of stress in order to make a decision about continuing their participation on the campaign team.
- Students will come to a consensus as a rearranged jigsaw group about which part of the stress response is most important to share in the campaign.