Choose an Intervention (Part 1)
Day 3 of the BioScann Stress curriculum focuses on the efficacy of various stress-reducing interventions. Students continue to explore STEM-related expert roles, each corresponding to a unique stress-reducing intervention. Students work in groups to calculate Difference of Impact Scores, a measure of the efficacy of each intervention. Students then use these scores, along with the likelihood of long-term compliance, to rank the interventions. The ranking should help students select the intervention to promote within the public health campaign.
In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, workbook, and teacher resources, click the link to the Google Drive folder, or the Box download link (for .pptx, .docx, and PDF files) at the bottom of the page.
Learning Objectives:
- Students will be able to calculate the Difference of Impacts Score for an intervention.
- Students will come to a consensus as a jigsaw group about which stress-reducing intervention should be promoted in the campaign based on how effective it is at reducing perceived stress.

Daily Slides
Intervention Chart