Day 5 – Option 1

Campaign Implementation Planning

Day 5 Option #1 of the BioScann Stress curriculum is an optional day for classes that want to implement a stress-reducing public health campaign at their school. Using the Campaign Implementation Planning worksheet, students determine how to advertise and recruit their peers, how to assess efficacy of their intervention, and how to work through the logistics of implementing a public health campaign.

In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, workbook, and teacher resources, click the link to the Google Drive folder, or the Box download link (for .pptx, .docx, and PDF files) at the bottom of the page.


Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to set up a plan to implement a stress-reducing intervention at their school.


Daily Slides

There are classroom implementation suggestions in the speaker notes section of this presentation. To view these, click on the gear in the control bar below the video, or press “s” on your keyboard.
