Seeking a part time nanny for two full days a week when I return to work. Our son will be 4 months by the time we would require help. Must be comfortable with dogs as we have a very happy and well trained 5 year old chocolate lab. We live right next to tufts campus for convenience. We can be flexible on which two days depending on class schedules/other jobs/etc.
Our son is a very happy and easy going baby. One day one of us may be working from home and we would care for our dog, but on days we are both in the office some light pet care would be required (simply letting her out in the fenced in yard to pee)
Start date: flexible. Please reach out and we can chat.
Hourly rate: $20-25/hr 8a-4:30p, depending on experience.
If interested, please reach out to Caitlin at or call 339-927-6751