The event seeks to underscore the human impacts of forced displacement and involuntary immobility arising from the Russia-Ukraine War. The panelists will analyze (im)mobility trends stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from a human security perspective, underscoring both the shared and disparate consequences that refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs), exiled individuals, and involuntarily immobile people are experiencing. The moderated discussion will explore the ways Russia’s domestic legal context encourages migration; the international legal context and avenues of recourse for displaced people (or lack thereof); and the ways in which Ukrainians and Russians in Berlin are experiencing displacement. The panelists will also take questions from the audience.
Karen Jacobsen is the Henry J. Leir Professor in Global Migration at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and directs the Refugees in Towns Project at the Leir Institute for Migration and Human Security. Professor Jacobsen’s current research explores urban displacement and global migration, with a focus on the livelihoods and financial resilience of migrants and refugees, and on climate- and environment-related mobility. In 2013-2014, she was on leave from Tufts, leading the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) at United Nations in Geneva. From 2000-2005, she directed the Alchemy Project, which explored the use of microfinance to support people in refugee camps and other displacement settings. Prof. Jacobsen’s Ph.D. in Political Science is from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her areas of expertise include refugee and migration issues, humanitarian assistance in developing countries, urban impact, and climate change and migration. She is currently at work on a book that examines the impact of displacement on cities. Her previous books include A View from Below: Conducting Research in Conflict Zones (with Mazurana and Gale, Cambridge UP 2013 ); and The Economic Life of Refugees (Lynne Rienner, 2005), which is widely used in courses on forced migration. She consults and works closely with UNHCR and other UN agencies and international NGOs. She is a citizen of both South Africa and the U.S., and splits her time between Brookline, MA and western Maine (Andover, ME).
John Cerone holds faculty appointments at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, American University Washington College of Law, and the University of London. Prior faculty appointments have included the Paul Martin Senior Professorship in International Affairs & Law at the University of Windsor Faculty of Law, and Visiting Chair in Public International Law at Lund University Faculty of Law. He has been awarded fellowships at the Nobel Institute (Oslo), the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg), and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Lund) where he served as the Distinguished Chair in Human Rights & Humanitarian Law. He has been a visiting scholar at the International Criminal Court, and a Fulbright scholar at both the Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. As a practicing international lawyer, he has worked for a number of IGOs and NGOs, including the UN, the OSCE, the International Secretariat of Amnesty International, the Norwegian Refugee Council, and the International Crisis Group, and has served as a legal adviser to various international criminal tribunals. He also has extensive field experience in conflict and post-conflict environments, including in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, and East Timor. He is an elected member of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL) and has served on a number of expert groups for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. He served as Special Adviser to the first U.S. delegation to the UN Human Rights Council. He received the President’s Award of the Boston Bar Association for his legal work on Guantanamo Bay issues, which includes representing human rights organizations in detainee litigation before U.S. courts and international human rights institutions. He has lectured at the IIHL (Sanremo), NATO Headquarters, the Institut International des Droits de l'Homme, the Inter-American Defense College, the Canadian Forces Staff College, the Swedish Defense University, the Academy on Human Rights & Humanitarian Law (AU WCL), and in the ICRC Annual Course, and has been keynote speaker at the U.S. Naval War College and at the 2016 UNDP Transitional Justice Conference in Kathmandu. He has taught in over 40 countries across all regions of the globe and is the author of dozens of articles and book chapters on international law, as well as the casebook "Public International Law: Cases, Problems, and Texts," (with Stephen McCaffrey and Dinah Shelton).
Maxim Krupskiy is a human rights defender, attorney, and Ph.D. (Candidate of Science in Philosophy) with more than twelve years of law practice in Russia defending refugees, civil activists persecuted by the Russian authorities, and NGOs recognized as "foreign agents." Throughout his professional career he has specialized in the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Since 2011, Krupskiy has represented clients in cases related to migration law (refugees and asylum seekers), including cooperation with the UNHCR. Since 2014, he has defended dozens of civil activists persecuted by the Russian authorities for participating in peaceful public events (demonstrations and pickets), including representing their interests at the ECHR. Since the adoption of "foreign agents" laws in Russia, he has represented many nonprofit human rights organizations in court, in cases challenging their inclusion in the "foreign agents" register and in cases of bringing them to administrative responsibility for violating "foreign agents" legislation. Over the past six years, as an independent expert, he has prepared more than forty independent anti-corruption expert opinions in the field of migration, administrative, environmental, criminal, criminal procedural legislation, and legislation on nonprofit organizations. His Ph.D. research, "The phenomenon of social anomie in a contemporary society," examines the role of NGOs and other forms of civic activism in creating social connections that are resistant to the challenges of modernity. Using the example of Russian society in a state of social entropy and bifurcation, he has shown that one of the main ways to overcome such a state can be social consolidation on the basis of the spontaneous civic activity of individuals.
Olga Gulina is a co-founder of the RUSMPI-Institute on Migration Policy in Berlin and a consultant of international consortiums dealing with migration, like ICMPD, GIZ, Winrock, etc. She holds a Ph.D. in Migration Law (2010, University of Potsdam, Germany), and a Ph.D. in Constitutional Law (2002, Bashkir State University, Russia). She is a member of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum and an alumna of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the European Academy of Diplomacy, the Kennan Institute, and the Moscow School of Political Studies. Olga publishes extensively about migration challenges in the newly independent states. Among her publications: 'Asylum Seekers from the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian Countries in the EU´, Vienna-Brussels, 2020; ´Russian nationals looking for refuge in the European Union´, ICMPD Policy Paper, 2020; Migration as a (Geo-)Political Challenge in the Post-Soviet Space: Border Regimes, Policy Choices, Visa Agendas, Ibidem, 2019; Rechtspolitische und rechtliche Probleme der Zuwanderung – dargestelltanhand der Zuwanderer aus den GUS-Staaten. Potsdam, 2010. Her field of expertise is immigration law and its enforcement on the European and Eurasian continents.
Stanislav Stanskikh is Russia’s constitutional scholar in exile, human rights and anti-war activist, and legal expert on post-Soviet country conditions for U.S. immigration cases. After graduating from Lomonosov Moscow State University School of Law, he worked at the Government Relations Department of TNK-BP (Fortune 500) and served as the Executive Director of the Russian Foundation for Constitutional Reforms and founding Deputy Editor-In-Chief of the Russian Constitutional Court’s academic law review, among other positions. He was involved in civic protests and the anti-corruption movement in Russia, being an outspoken critic of Russia’s personalistic regime, the annexation of Crimea, and aggression in Ukraine. The escalation of repressions against intellectuals, human rights activists, and political opposition led to Stanislav’s political emigration from Russia to the U.S. He has been playing an active role in Russia’s democratic diaspora providing expertise to the Free Russia Foundation, the Free Russia Forum, and other diaspora organizations. In 2020, he initiated a popular petition campaign against amendments to Russia's constitution. Currently, Stanislav is a Research Fellow at UNC-Chapel Hill and a member of the Post-Communist Politics and Economics Workshop at Harvard’s Davis Center. As a legal expert on country conditions, he closely collaborates with the Law Offices of Palant&Lust.