
March 2019 Conference and Student Policy Workshop

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University held their third joint conference on Grand Challenges in Russia-U.S. Relations on March 18-20, 2019 on the MGIMO University campus. The conference focused on two major themes in bilateral relations: “Climate Mitigation and Adaptation” and “Strategic Stability in the New Nuclear Age.” These two problems, both global and threatening the survival of human civilization, mandate continued discussion between the United States and Russia regardless of increasing bilateral tensions. While there is far from a harmony of preferences between the two countries on nuclear issues and climate change, both sides could benefit significantly if cooperation in these main issue areas were achieved.

The event was organized by the two universities in partnership with the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund and Carnegie Corporation of New York. The previous joint MGIMO-Fletcher conferences on Russia-U.S. relations held in November 2017 and May 2018 provided an opportunity to clarify disagreements and potential areas of cooperation between the United States and Russia. The goals of the joint MGIMO-Fletcher conference series are to examine both the depth and scope of disagreements between the United States and Russia, assess the potential for bilateral cooperation in the areas of shared interests, educate future U.S. and Russian decision-makers, and foster mutual understanding between Russian and American scholars and practitioners.

We are thankful for the support of our sponsors, partners, and volunteers. When tweeting about the event, please use #FletcherMGIMO. Please see the conference program bookletannouncement, agenda, speakersregistration, and photos and videos.

For news and media about the third Fletcher-MGIMO conference, please see the following links: