Program News

RIAC Experts Discuss Sanctions against Russia with Professors of The Fletcher School

On May 25, 2018, the Russian International Affairs Council together with representatives of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University, USA) held a meeting “Sanctions Against Russia: Directions of Escalation and Counteraction Policy.”

The participants discussed issues of the current dynamics of Western countries’ sanctions against Russia and prospects for resolving the Ukrainian crisis, problems of EU-U.S. relations with regard to the situation in Iran, possible measures and mechanisms for easing sanctions, as well as scenarios for the future development of economic instruments of U.S., EU, Russian and Chinese foreign policy.

The event was attended by leading scholars and experts in the field of international relations, global economy, conflict resolution, as well as representatives of law firms.

This piece was republished from the Russian International Affairs Council website.

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