Welcome! This site is a portal of information regarding gender and intersectional analysis at The Fletcher School at Tufts University. It details opportunities for gender analysis in Fletcher’s coursework, including the Gender and Intersectional Analysis (GAIA) field of study, as well as extra-curricular events and groups for students, faculty, and staff interested in this field.
Fletcher is proud to offer a wide array of programs, targeted at individuals of all genders, both in and outside the classroom. For a detailed overview, please visit the pages below.
- Academic opportunities and coursework related to gender and intersectional analysis
- Professional development and inclusive leadership programming advancing gender equality and women’s leadership, open to all members of the community interested in gender issues
- Featured research by Fletcher faculty, students, and alumni.
- The Fletcher Women’s Leadership Award
- Fletcher’s annual student-organized Conference on Gender and International Affairs (CGIA)
- Current student groups dedicated to gender issues
- Recent Fletcher events related to gender and intersectional analysis.
- Alumni groups dedicated to gender issues
- Faculty profiles in this field
- Profiles of students and alumni who have integrated gender and intersectional analysis into their work or studies
Thank you for your interest in gender and intersectional analysis and women’s leadership at The Fletcher School!