ArcGIS Tutorials & Tip Sheets

This page includes information on getting starting with ArcGIS Desktop products (ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro) along with tutorials written for other ESRI platforms such as ArcGIS Online, ESRI StoryMaps, Survey123 for ArcGIS, Experience Builder, and more…

ArcGIS Pro & ArcMap Tutorials

Getting Started with ArcGIS Desktop Tutorials

ArcGIS Basics – Somerville Land Use

Learn the Basics of ArcGIS by mapping Somerville, Massachusetts data from MassGIS. Learn how to symbolize data by unique values, label features, set a projection, create a locator map, and create a final map layout for export.

This tutorial takes approximately 2–3 hours to complete.

ArcGIS Basics – India

Learn the Basics of ArcGIS by mapping large and small-scale demographic data in India and Kolkata. Learn how to symbolize data by quantities, select by attribute and location, label features, set a projection, create a locator map, and create a final map layout for export.

This tutorial takes approximately 3–4 hours to complete.

ArcGIS Basics: Examining the Link between Human Epidemic Status & Cases of Yaws in Primates – Africa, 2013

Learn the basics of ArcGIS by mapping cases of Yaws in Africa by country and by primate outbreaks. Compare the outbreaks to primate habitats. This tutorial will cover symbolizing categorical and quantitative data, selecting by attributes, setting a projection, labeling features, creating a locator map, and creating two final map layouts for export. 

This tutorial takes approximately 2–3 hours to complete. 

Attribute Table & Selection Tools

ArcGIS Pro: Selections and Queries: Mapping the Transatlantic Slave Trade Database: 1676 – 1805

This GIS tutorial will lead you through the steps in ArcGIS Pro to create a thematic map of transatlantic slave embarkment ports in Africa between 1676 and 1805. This tutorial will cover adding data to ArcGIS Pro, symbolizing categorical and quantitative data, select by attributes and select by location, attribute table tools, and composing a final map layout.

This tutorial takes approximately 2 hours to complete.

Basic Mapping & Cartography Exercise – Haiti

This short tutorial focuses on mapping unique categorical values showing livelihood zones in Haiti. It also introduces users to the select-by-attributes query tools, labeling features, inserting a locator map, and creating a final map layout.

This tutorial takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

Basic Queries Exercise – Haiti

This tutorial teaches different selection tools, including Select by Attributes and Select by Location, in addition to attribute table functions. It also introduces students to spatial joins and zonal statistics tools.

This tutorial takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete.

Using the Selection Tools for Querying

With this tip sheet, you will understand how to use selection tools for fundamental basic queries and analysis with Select by Attribute and Select by Location. You will also learn how to view statistics for select records.

Selection and Attribute Table Tip Sheets

Joins, Relates & Spatial Joins

Working with Census Data & Joins

Downloading, Joining, and Mapping International Census Data – South African Census Tutorial

This tutorial covers how to access and download South African census data. It teaches how to clean and join the Excel data to administrative boundaries. Students symbolize quantitative data, review attribute table tools like field calculators and statistics, and create a final map layout.

This tutorial takes approximately 2–3 hours.

US Census: Downloading data from the Census & Joining ACS Health Insurance Data

This tutorial teaches students how to access and download health care insurance census data for Massachusetts from the US Census Bureau website. It also covers cleaning Excel data, joining data to census tracts, field calculator, labeling features, and creating a nice final layout.

This tutorial takes approximately 2–3 hours to complete.

Downloading and Joining Housing Demographic Data in Boston, MA – USA Census Tutorial

This tutorial teaches students how to access and download the US Census Bureau website’s housing demographic data for Boston, Massachusetts. It also covers cleaning Excel data, joining data to census tracts, field calculator, formatting and labeling features, and creating a nice final layout.

This tutorial takes approximately 2–3 hours to complete.

Using Census Data to Calculate a Social Inequality Index in Colombia

This tutorial uses international census data from Colombia to review Joins and Selection tools. The tutorial aims to teach students how to create a vulnerability model within the Attribute Table by Adding Fields and using Field Calculator. Students will create a final map layout showing social inequality and vulnerability.

Working with Census 2000 Data from MassGIS

In this tutorial, you will use pre-processed census data from Massachusetts to create maps of demographic and housing variables at the Block Group level. Important: This tutorial uses Census 2000 data, not 2010!

Using Census Geolytics – Neighborhood Change Database

Census Geolytics Neighborhood Change Database is an archive of census data at the census tract level for 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000. Tufts Data Lab has purchased this and other Census Geolytics products.

Quick Census Tip Sheets:

Geocoding and Adding Latitude & Longitude (XY) Data

Geocoding vs. Add XY Data (Latitude & Longitude) using Data Axle Reference Solutions

In this exercise, you will learn how to download business data from Axle Reference Solutions (previously Reference USA). You will then map it in ArcGIS. The exercise demonstrates three methods for geolocating business (or other address-based) information to compare accuracy. It will cover using latitude and longitude (Add XY data) coordinates, geocoding using address information from Census TIGER street centerlines, and geocoding to address points for the city of Cambridge.

Displaying Latitude & Longitude Coordinates in ArcGIS

In this tutorial, users will learn how to import a table of longitude and latitude coordinates (or XY data) in decimal degrees as points in GIS.

Downloading Data with DNRGPS and Importing to ArcGIS and Google Earth

This tutorial explains how to download GPS waypoints from a GPS unit, view the points on Google Earth, and import the data to ArcMap.

GIS Data Sources & Data Management

Data Management Tip Sheets

Working with Google Data Files in ArcGIS

Geocoding Addresses with Google Maps

This tutorial uses data about Cambridge grocery stores from Reference USA to visualize Google Maps data and convert it to ArcMap shape files.

Converting Google Earth .kml Files to .shp Files (and vice versa)

This tutorial shows how to convert a feature or raster layer into a KML file format to display these geographic data in an Earth browser (e.g., Google Earth, Google Maps, ArcGIS Explorer, ArcGlobe). If you have built a map in Google Earth that you would like to import to ArcGIS, this tutorial will also lead you through converting Google Earth files to ArcGIS layers.

Open Street Map (OSM) Data

Downloading & Accessing OpenStreetMap (OSM) Data in ArcGIS

OpenStreetMap enables users to access free geographic data and mapping tools. This tutorial reviews understanding the type of data that OpenStreetMap provides, learning key concepts when looking for data on online repositories (availability, data format, etc.), and using online extraction tools to export OpenStreetMap data into ArcMap.

How to Access and Display Data from OpenStreetMap

This tip sheet uses a Kolkata, India section as a sample location for accessing, downloading, and displaying OpenStreetMap data.

NRCS Soils Database

Working with the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soils Database

County-level soils data (SSURGO) can be obtained from the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). This tutorial covers accessing NSRC data, joining tables to maps, and layer properties like symbology.

Digital Elevation Models (DEM) Data

Working with Digital Elevation Models (DEM) Data in ArcGIS

This tip sheet covers basic information about working with elevation data, including how to prepare the data and understand general processing. It also walks through creating a 3-D TIN elevation model from a contour line file.

Converting GIS Contour Data to CAD Data

This tutorial reviews the GIS to CAD conversion of contour data for use in 3D modeling.

Georeferencing & Editing Tools

Georeferencing a Scanned Map

This tutorial reviews how to align a non-georeferenced image (e.g., scanned maps) to an existing geographic layer or georeferenced image as visual displays in your map.

Ghana Exercise – Georeferencing a Scanned Map and Digitizing using Editor Tools

This tutorial reviews georeferencing and digitizing using road data from Ghana.

Editing Toolbar Tip Sheets

Map Projections & Coordinate Systems

Troubleshooting Coordinate Systems

This tutorial walks you though understanding your data layers and data frames spatial reference and selecting an appropriate projection for your data. It also identifies how to use the Define Projection tool if you have missing or incorrect spatial references and it explains how to use the Project tool to project your data into a different projection.

Projection Tip Sheets

Proximity & Network Tools and Analyses

Proximity Tutorial: A Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants in Southern New England

This exercise walks through a simple analysis of the population at risk around New England’s four nuclear power plants and exploring potential evacuation centers and routes. You can follow along and practice using the following tools: Spatial join, buffer and multi-ring buffer, near tool, point distance tool, and network analysis – service area.

Network Analyst Workflow for Creating a Service Area / Travelshed

This tutorial reviews the workflow of different types of network-based analyses, including service area analysis, vehicle routing, location allocation, and more.

Vector Geoprocessing Tools & Analyses

Vector Suitability Tutorial- Finding Suitable Sanctuary Locations for the Gray Wolf in Washington State

The purpose of this tutorial is to learn how to use Geoprocessing Tools on VECTOR Datasets (points, lines and polygons) to determine suitable potential locations for a Gray Wolf Sanctuary in the State of Washington.

Tools used during this tutorial include: Buffer; Intersect; Erase; Dissolve; Select by Attributes; Add Field/Calculate Geometry

Vector Suitability Tutorial- Farm Land Suitability Analysis in Groton, Ma

In this tutorial, you will identify potentially suitable parcels for urban farming for the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project (“New Entry”), which assists people with limited resources who have an interest in small-scale commercial agriculture to begin farming in Massachusetts ( Much of the prime farmland in Middlesex County (where the town of Groton is located) has been developed, mostly for residential use. However, a growing population of beginning farmers has created a demand for agricultural uses on some of this land. You will learn how to employ basic vector geoprocessing analysis tools (Select by Attribute queries, joining a table to a shapefile, performing an Intersect) to identify potentially suitable farming parcels in Groton, MA.

Calculating Conflict Density and Change over Time in Uganda using Vector Techniques

This tutorial uses the Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset (ACLED) data to create density maps of conflict events in Uganda for 2000 to 2004 and 2005 to 2010 using vector processing techniques. Students then calculate the change in conflict and create a final map to display where Uganda has experienced an increase and decrease in conflict over this time period. This tutorial provides vector methods to calculate the density of incidents rather than using the hotspots function in the Hot Spot / Kernel Density Analysis: Calculating the Change in Uganda Conflict Zones tutorial.

By the end of this tutorial, students will be familiar with the following tools: Joining tabular data; Calculate area; Spatial join; Field calculator

Spatial Analyst Tools & Advanced Raster Analyses

Raster Suitability Analysis: Siting a Wind Farm Facility North of Beijing, China

The purpose of this suitability analysis is to find optimal locations for an energy storage facility that will serve Wind Farms in the region north of Beijing.

ArcGIS Pro Raster Suitability Analysis: Who were the Indo-Europeans and where did they live?

The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to conduct a raster suitability analysis to determine the most likely location of the Indo-European’s homeland considering various factors experts know about their culture and environment, including the density of Proto-Indo-European languages, distance to wild horse range in 5000BCE, and historical climate data. You will use the analysis criteria to determine which of the three proposed homeland hypotheses by Heggarty et al. is the most to least likely for their homeland.

Raster Risk Assessment: Determining the Risk of Malaria Transmission in Ethiopia

The purpose of this analysis is to determine the overall risk of Malaria transmission throughout Ethiopia when considering proximity to rivers, elevation, slope, land cover, and accessibility of health clinics.

Hot Spot and Kernel Density Analysis: Calculating the Change in Uganda Conflict Zones

This tutorial uses Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset (ACLED) data to create hot spot maps of conflict events in Uganda for two time periods: 2000-2004 and 2005-2010. The final map displays where Uganda has experienced an increase and decrease in conflict over this time period. By the end of this tutorial, students will be familiar with the following tools: Kernel Density Tool, Raster Calculator, and Setting your Geoprocessing Environments.

Overlay Analysis: Using Zonal and Extract Tools to Transfer Raster Values

If you have raster data that you want to join to existing vector data, you can transfer these data values in ArcMap using the Spatial Analyst toolbar. Skills covered in this tutorial include enabling the Spatial Analyst extension, using the Zonal Statistics Tool to tabulate areas, using the Extraction Tool to transfer underlying raster data to points, and calculating a percent change using the Field Calculator.

Spatial Statistics Tools & Analyses

Moran’s I and Spatial Regression: Homeownership in Manhattan, NYC

This tutorial uses data on home ownership in the New York City borough of Manhattan to demonstrate two powerful spatial statistical tests: Moran’s I (a test for spatial autocorrelation to examine whether a phenomenon is clustered or not) and Spatial Regression (the ability to predict a value of an outcome variable based on values of explanatory variables when spatial dependency is accounted for in the model). It covers how to check the basic assumptions about the data, how to create spatial weights, how to report and interpret your cluster analysis, and more.

This tutorial takes approximately 1 1/2 hours to complete.

Additional Raster Tip Sheets

Water Resources Tutorials

Introduction to ArcGIS for Water Resources Data

This tutorial serves an introduction to ArcMap and explains how to acquire and map water resource data like National Land Cover Data (NLCD) and National Hydrography Data (NHD) from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Delineating Watershed from a Digital Elevation Model

This tutorial walks through the steps of creating watersheds as rasters and polygons, setting flow direction for the elevation raster, and locating and filling sinks (i.e., a group of one or more cells that have lower elevations than all the surrounding cells).

Watershed and Drainage Delineation by Pour Point

In this tutorial, you will learn how to delineate the boundary of a stream gage’s drainage area
(watershed polygon) based on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and how to delineate the
drainage network (lines) within the watershed.

Cartography & Poster Design

GIS Poster Design Tips & Tricks

This PowerPoint reviews several design concepts from layout, color, fonts, alignment, visual hierarchy, and cartography tips. It shows several tricks using Publisher for creating excellent GIS Posters.

PowerPoint: GIS Poster Design Tips & Tricks

GIS Project Analysis Tips & Best Practices

This PowerPoint has several GIS project and analysis best practices and tips. From where to save/store your data (H drive vs Box), to best practices for exporting maps for a poster, to analysis tips and tricks for troubleshooting and designing beautiful posters. It’s a great guide for making sure you’re taking the easiest route possible when it comes to GIS projects!

PowerPoint: GIS Project Tips & Tricks

Designing and Creating your Poster – Publisher set-up and PDF directions

Step by step guide on how to use Microsoft Publisher for creating a poster.

Cartography Tip Sheets

ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Tutorials

Plastic Pollution in the Ocean: Using ESRI ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Map Viewer

This tutorial goes through an introduction to GIS, spatial data, and spatial formats. Then it goes through an activity creating a web map of plastic pollution in our oceans. It covers adding data, stylizing data, configuring pop ups and sharing a web map.

ArcGIS Online New Map Viewer Link
ArcGIS Online Class Map Viewer Link

Additional Resources