Mass. Ballot Question Round-up
While you probably don’t need to be reminded that there is a presidential election happening on November 8th , a re-fresher on this year’s Massachusetts ballot questions might be in order.
First, if you know that you are registered to vote in Massachusetts, but can’t remember where it is that actually cast your ballot, check out:
Where do I vote in Massachusetts?
Okay, now that you know where you are going to vote, you can decide how you are going to vote. There are four statewide ballot questions this year. According to Ballotpedia, the four ballot questions are asking for a “yes” or “no” vote on the following:
- Question 1: would allow the Gaming Commission to issue an additional slots license.
- Question 2: would authorize the approval of up to 12 new charter schools or enrollment expansions in existing charter schools by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education per year.
- Question 3: would prohibit certain methods of farm animal containment.
- Question 4: would legalize recreational marijuana for individuals at least 21 years old.
Ballot questions can be tricky! Since a “yes” or “no” vote on a ballot questions may have ramifications that go way beyond simply affirming the idea proposed, you need to understand the legal and social implications of your decision. This in mind, please check out the following resources. Not only do they provide great information about the ballot questions themselves, but they also provide you with the “big picture” on the potential implications of your vote:
What You Need To Know About The 4 Mass. Ballot Questions
“Yea or Nay? A Guide to Massachusetts’ Ballot Questions”
Okay folks, now get out there and vote!!