EndNote x8 is here!

Want to upgrade to the latest version of EndNote? Now you can!
EndNote x8 is the latest version of the popular citation management software program. It has the same functionality as previous versions, but also has updated icons and more sharing options, such as:
- The option of sharing your entire EndNote library, references, PDFs and annotations with up to 100 people.
- Allows for people sharing a library add to, annotate and use the library at the same time as well as keep track of who is making what changes to the shared library and when.
EndNote x8 is compatible with Mac Sierra OS and MS Word 2016.
To have x8 installed on your laptop or Tufts computer, contact TTS at 617-636-3376; it@tufts.edu) – or – stop by the TTS Help Desk on Sackler 5. Remember to ask TTS to
un-install any previous versions of EndNote from your computer!
If you have been using EndNote x7 or earlier, your libraries will be converted automatically to x8. However, just to be on the safe side, make a back-up copy of important libraries! You can learn about how to create a back-up copy of your libraries here; you may also want to consider storing your back-up libraries on Tufts Box.
Want to learn more about EndNote x8? Watch the “What’s New with EndNote x8” video: