April Open Workshops are in Bloom!

April Open Workshops are in bloom here at the Hirsh Library! Come to our workshops and grow some new skills! Workshops are held on Thursdays from 12noon-1pm in Sackler 510. To learn more about Open Workshops and register,please visit: https://hirshlibrary.tufts.edu/services/open-workshops

Introducing Mendeley 

Thursday, April 4, 2019 – 12noon-1pm Sackler 510

This workshop will introduce you to Mendeley, a free citation management tool. Like other citation management tools, Mendeley allows you to:

  • collect and organize references discovered from articles, databases, and web sites
  • upload and manage PDF files
  • insert and format references in Word to create in-text citations and bibliographies in various of citation styles, such as APA and JAMA

Come to this workshop and learn more about how Mendeley combines both cloud-based and desktop computing to give you the best of both worlds!

Patents for Health Sciences Research

Thursday, April 11, 2019 – 12noon-1pm Sackler 510

We’ll identify types of research questions and literature searches where identifying related patents can be helpful. Then we’ll cover tips and tricks for finding and reading patents.

Right to the Source: Locating U.S. Health Data
Thursday, April 18, 2019 – 12noon-1pm Sackler 510

This workshop will introduce you to major sources of health data for the United States. Topics will include: data collection, stakeholders, and methods, tips & tricks for locating health data, and an introduction to the Hirsh Library “Health Data and Statistics” guide.