October Workshops@Hirsh

We’re pleased to announce that October Workshops@Hirsh are almost here! In addition to workshops offered by the Hirsh Library, there are also several workshops offered by the Tufts DataLab Assistants.
As always, workshops are open to everyone on the Tufts Health Sciences Campus and no previous experience is required. Come to our workshops – where learning new tricks will be a treat!
To see full descriptions and to register for these workshops, please visit: https://hirshlibrary.tufts.edu/services/open-workshops
Right to the Source: Locating U.S. Health Data – 10/3 (Room 510)
Storymaps: Not your Average Presentation – 10/7 (Room 514)
Intro to Health Science Info on the Internet – 10/10 (Room 510)
Introduction To Basic Linux Workshop – 10/15 (Room 514)
EndNote: the Basics – 10/17 (Room 510)
Introduction To Tufts HPC Cluster Workshop – 10/22 (Room 514)
Research Metrics – 10/24 (Room 510)
A Gentle Intro to R – 10/29 (Room 514)
Patents for Health Sciences Research – 10/31 (Room 510)