Introducing Summer Open Workshops!


Struggling with how to access library resources online? Trying to figure out how to navigate New PubMed? We have a workshop for that! Check out the workshops we have available for you below. All workshops will be online through Zoom. Once registered, a Zoom invitation will be sent out to you by the host closer to the workshop date.


How Can I Access That? Finding Full Text from Off-Campus

Date | Wednesday, June 10

Time | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Are you finding it more difficult to find and read full-text of articles, books, and other resources now that you are largely off-campus? Never fear! With quick tips and tricks demonstrated in this workshop, you can once again access the full-text of resources you’re used to using on-campus.


Searching Basics: Strategic Searching using Concepts, Terms, & Boolean Operators

Date | Wednesday, June 17

Time | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

With strategic searching, you can rapidly set yourself up to either find more articles and other resources that might potentially be useful or to narrow down a search that has an overwhelming number of results. Yes, basic search strategies can meet either need! Get your intro to search logic with this workshop.


The Literature Review for Dental Protocols & Papers

Date | Wednesday, June 24

Time | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Whether you are writing a protocol for a research project or you’re starting to write a paper with the hopes of publication, you need to complete a literature review. Learn why a literature review is needed for both scenarios and a framework for conducting one, as well as when you might want to ask a librarian for help. Please note this workshop is targeted specifically for dental protocol and publication needs, but all are welcome to attend.


Introducing New PubMed Series

Dates | Tuesdays, June 16 & 30, July 14 & 28, August 11 & 25

Time | 12:00pm – 1:00pm (for all workshops)

This will be an ongoing series of introducing the New PubMed and how to navigate the fresh interface and features. Feel free to join whichever workshop that works best for you!