Anatomy Resources & Virtual Anatomy Tools Office Hours

Attention first-year medical students! With anatomy starting this month, take advantage of the virtual anatomy tools available through the library. Through the HHSL website you can access the virtual models in our collection. This post highlights two of our most popular resources. If you have questions for library staff about anatomy resources, sign up for Virtual Anatomy Tools Office Hours, occurring from 12pm-1pm on November 10.

Anterior Triangle, Hyoid Muscles and the Hypoglossal Muscle
Anterior Triangle, Hyoid Muscles and the Hypoglossal Nerve 6) Sternohyoid Muscle © Scholar Educational Systems, Inc 2001-2019. Used under Tufts – Hirsh Health Sciences Library License. Accessed 2 Jan 2019.

Net Anatomy (everything you want; nothing you don’t!) contains a catalog of dissection images with labels and descriptions. The Test feature hides labels—a handy tool for doing self-assessments as you study.

Dissection: ankle and foot superficial dissection
Dissection: ankle and foot superficial dissection © Informa UK Limited 2019. Used under Tufts – Hirsh Health Sciences Library License. Accessed 2 Jan 2019.

Anatomy.TV by Primal Pictures is another database of images, comprised of 3D, interactive models. It has a few more bells and whistles to explore than what’s in Net Anatomy.

Investigate a more extensive list of Hirsh’s anatomy resources from our Anatomy Research Guide.

Post contributed by Christina Heinrich.