Even in the Dark of Winter, the Library is here for you
As Hannukah draws to a close, and we inch ever closer to the Solstice, to Christmas, to Kwanzaa, to Zartosht no-diso, the Hirsh Health Sciences Library wishes you health and happiness, and reminds you that we are here.
While our Holiday Hours are short, you can always email us at hhsl@tufts.edu any time of the day or night, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
When the University reopens on January 4th, we’ll be there with the same level of online service that you have come to expect of HHSL. We’re still working from home but are available for reference consultations, quick questions, guest lectures, workshops, and anything else you can dream up for us. Visit us here for more information about our services, and stop by Ask Us anytime to call/email/chat with us.