Vaccine for Everyone (over 16)!
The day that so many have been waiting for has finally arrived!
As of April 19, 2021, adults in every U.S. state, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico are now eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine.
This is an exciting time for many of us, who have been waiting (possibly impatiently) for our shot. But with so many people clamoring for appointments, how can you secure an appointment for that sweet, sweet vaccine?

Here are some proven tips from your already-vaccinated friends at the Hirsh Health Sciences Library**:
- If you haven’t yet, sign up for the Massachusetts pre-registration system. Please note that this system only covers Mass vaccination & regional collaborative locations, and that the mass vaccination sites currently require this pre-registration for appointments.
- Search the Commonwealth’s Covid-19 Vaccine Finder for appointments at local pharmacies and sites run by local boards of health.
- Visit and sign up for text notifications. This is a third-party site that scrapes data from other websites to consolidate available appointments. This is the famous site built by Olivia Adams, a software engineer, while she was on maternity leave.
- Check out Massachusetts Covid Vaccination Help for help and information on booking your own appointment, or advice on booking for others.
- Visit VaccinateMA for locations providing vaccinations.
- Consider VaxBot, a service that uses the Monal chat app to notify users of available local appointments.
- Explore the various Twitterbots designed to notify users of availability: Try CVS Vaccine MA for appointments at our local ubiquitous pharmacy chain, or vaccinetime, which covers appointments at a variety of retail, Commonwealth, and local sites.
Good luck and good health everyone!
**please note that these resources are listed for informational purposes, and the Hirsh Health Sciences Library is not affiliated with any site or service listed above.