Hocus Block-us!!

Solaten omnes saculorem tuba nriirum est – If lit by a patron, despite knowing that checkouts are for four hours only, this black flame candle will resurrect… A Block!

When you come to the desk to check out chargers, beware! Returning the item on time is the only waour blocking mascot dressed up as winifred sandersony to save you from the curse of the block.

The first time you keep an item late, you cannot checkout items for 24 hours once you’ve returned it. The second time lasts a week; the third, a month and a note to the dean. The fourth time results in another note to the dean and a block for the rest of the academic year. Plus, every day you keep the item late beyond the original due date, we shall add another day to your curse.

We urge you to take these matters seriously, and remember to return or renew your reserve item before your four hours are up. Perhaps you are worried you will not be able to return the item before the sun rises (and the item is due). In that case, give us a call or send us a chat saying you’ll be late. We understand life happens.

These curses accumulate during the academic year, so be sure to set yourself a timer.

For the facts behind this ancient curse, please visit our Reserve Policy page.