Affiliation Survey Statistics: October 2022

Hi all,

Thank you for your time and help in collecting data for the affiliation survey, we truly appreciate it! This survey is what helps us get funding to make the library as helpful as possible to you lovely patron. Onto the statistics!


The 7th floor is our most popular floor with more than twice the number of visitors that our other floors. This data is consistent with the traffic on each floor from October 2021 and March 2022.


Weekday and Time



Monday and Tuesday are our busiest days of the week, which is different from previous surveys where Monday and Thursday were the most popular weekdays. In comparison to previous surveys, Sunday and Monday are more popular than in March 2022 and October 2021. Thursday is a much less popular day than from previous surveys. Some of the evening data for Thursday was lost, so this may also influence the low numbers.


Time of Day

Traffic by time of day has not significantly changed. 3 pm has remained the busiest time of day at the library since October 2021 followed by 11 am.



As with previous years, the dental program is the largest user of the library followed by the medical program. While MBS program usage grew in October 2021 and March 2022, it dropped by more than half this most recent survey. It is unclear why this happened!


In conclusion, the library has bounced back from early COVID-19 numbers! Thanks so much for your patronage. We are happy to be helping you in your academic journey.