Special Event: “Writing Personal Statements” workshop

Believe it or not, it’s time to start applying for summer internships and other opportunities that require a personal statement. Are panicking about your personal statement? Worry not! Help is on the way!
Join us for a special Zoom workshop with Christine Smith, MS, RD, a Health Sciences Writing Consultant on the Boston Campus. Christine will provide advice on writing personal statements, as well as her top writing tips. We will also share resources on application writing and interviewing.
Writing Personal Statements
Date: Monday, February 27, 2023
Time: 11:000m – 12:00pm
Register: https://tufts.libcal.com/event/10117693
Description: Join us for a special workshop with Christine Smith, MS, RD, a Health Sciences Writing Consultant on the Boston Campus. Christine will provide advice on writing personal statements, as well as her top writing tips. We will also share resources on application writing and interviewing.