Don’t Panic! Librarian Liaisons to the rescue!


It’s that time again! The end of the semester is nigh and with it research projects, final exams and group assignments are looming. Feeling overwhelmed? Desperate? Don’t know where how or where to start? The Hirsh Library’s librarian Liaison Program can help!

The Hirsh Library’s Liaison Program provides a ‘point-person’ for the academic programs and clinical departments on the Tufts’ health sciences campus. What can your librarian liaison do for you?

For starters, your librarian liaison can help you:

  • identify resources for your particular topic, especially resources beyond article databases
  • create effective and efficient search strategies for databases like PubMed and Web of Science
  • discern what tool is right for you to help manage your citations (i.e., EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley) and providing instructions to get you started
  • track down statistical data for research projects and help you manage your own data

Sounds pretty great, right? It is! Now, go find out who’s you librarian liaison and then get in touch with them!

Liaison Program

And one more thing – if you are preparing for dental, medical or physician assistance board exams, then you must check out the following Hirsh Library guides:


Image: via Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0.