James Intriligator | Human Factors, Perception, Design, and Consumer Psychology
Dr. Intriligator is the Director of the Tufts Human Factors Engineering program. His research interests include design, design thinking, marketing, branding/packaging, consumer psychology, perception, cognition, attention, emotion, VR, AR, innovation, and entrepreneurialism.
Read Intriligator’s white paper, “The Future of Human Factors Engineering“
See a full list of his publications
See the autonomous vehicles website (made by students in the ExCollege class he co-taught with Prof Hal Miller-Jacobs)
Some of Professor Intriligator’s current research projects include research on:
- Next Gen Baggage Screening Systems (DHS funded)
- Gestural Interfaces for Holographic Displays (Navy Funded)
- Multisensory Data Exploration System (Missile Defense Funded)
- Soft-Robotics Innovation and Design
- VR for rehabilitation
- Autonomous Vehicles (AR within AVs, auditory cues, etc)
In addition, Intriligator is a “Tisch Faculty Fellow” – getting students to use their design skills to address social and civic issues.
Some recent publication include: