Faculty Research

Tufts faculty is unique for its interdisciplinary approach to research. Professors actively collaborate with across departments as well as with companies and research labs nationwide. The primary faculty members associated with human factors research are

James Intriligator | Human Factors, Perception, Design, and Consumer Psychology Dr. Intriligator is the Director of the Tufts Human Factors Engineering program. His research interests include design, design thinking, marketing, branding/packaging, consumer psychology, perception, cognition, attention, emotion, VR, AR, innovation, and entrepreneurialism. Read Intriligator’s white paper, “The Future of Human […]

Dr. James Intriligator

Michael Wiklund | Human Factors Specialist In addition to being a long-time professor and founder of consulting firm Wiklund Research & Design, Wiklund has written several books on the subject of human factors engineering. These include Usability and Testing of Medical Devices (2010) and Handbook of Human Factors in Medical […]

Professor Michael Wiklund

Dr. Nathan Ward | Information Processing, Cognition, Multitasking Dr. Ward is a researcher in the field of information processing and cognition. His focus is in understanding and improving multitasking, by understanding the underlying cognitive mechanisms such as task switching and dual tasking. His areas of interest are multitasking, divided attention, […]

Dr. Nathan Ward

Dr. Holly Taylor | Spatial Cognition, Mental Models, Multimedia Learning Dr. Taylor’s research examines the mental representation of information, sometimes referred to as mental models or situation models. She is particularly interested in the domains of spatial cognition and comprehension. Her work focuses on how information sources influence mental models […]

Dr. Holly Taylor

Dr. Dan Hannon | Human Factors, Transportation Systems Dr. Hannon helps develop innovations in healthcare, wearable devices, and using interconnected devices to detect more complex situation. His engineering work has spanned a range of application areas, including transportation systems, team performance, education, and health care, and has integrated engineering with […]

Dr. Dan Hannon