Leir Receives Springboard Grant

In July 2021, The Leir Institute received a Springboard grant from Tufts University to pilot a new initiative, Building Resilience in Immigrant Communities (BRIC).

We are developing the project in collaboration with the Tisch College at Tufts University and ACEDONE (African Community Economic Development of New England), a local organization assisting African refugees and immigrants resettling in the Boston area. At the heart of the project is a nine-month fellowship matching six Tufts undergraduates (BRIC Student Fellows) with six ACEDONE community members (BRIC Community Fellows) to co-create a program for women’s empowerment based on the needs and interests of the communities ACEDONE serves. The content of the program will emerge organically and collaboratively, but possible options include a child-care cooperative, investment clubs, and/or financial literacy training.

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