Past Events
Community Discussion Groups (CDG)
.EPCS Community Discussion Groups exist for conversation, learning, and fun. The purpose of the groups is to bring together adults from the EPCS community to explore a topic of mutual interest that could be integrated into the program curriculum and teaching practices. Each group is co-facilitated by a parent and an EPCS teacher/staff/GTA who schedule and lead the meetings. Groups meet over the course of the year and vary in format and meeting times. In past years, groups have covered topics such as Children’s Relationships and Identities, Special Rights, Creativity in Children, Mindfulness, Nature Connection and Stewardship, Diversity Issues, Balancing Family and Work, Technology and Young Children, and Healthy Living
Supporting Children Supporting Families
This group is designed to provide families with a support system within the EPCS community that addresses a variety of topics including parenting children with special rights, learning differences as well as other challenges that come with parenting. The group is open to all families within the school. Parents, their families and friends are welcome to attend the group’s meetings. The Director and Parent Chairpersons facilitate the meetings. Based on the interests of the individuals, specific topics are planned and information is shared through guest speakers and parent/family experiences. In the past, topics have included advocacy, sensory processing, literacy, inclusion, and Peaceful Parenting.
PTAB Coffee Hour
We hold a community coffee hour monthly on the first Wednesday in the EPCS lobby as a social gathering between parents and also to benefit the Scholarship Fund with the sale of drinks. The class parents will handle set up and clean up. New ideas are welcome
Life After Eliot-Pearson
A panel of former Children’s School parents share their experiences with current families and discuss factors to consider while transitioning to another school and advocating for your child in a school setting. The conversation also includes reflections on how change affects children, peers, and families; and offer strategies for a smooth transition.
Parents of alumni also present brief background information on the school they have chosen for their children, why they chose the specific school, the nature of their transition, what worked well and what was challenging, and hindsight on what they would do differently should they go through the process again. Current families are always appreciative of the information and advice they receive. Some of them will likely return as future panelists.
Parent's Night Out
Families will be able to drop off their children at EPCS, head out for a few hours and know that their children are safe and happy, all for a small fee. All proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund. A Graduate Teaching Assistant coordinates with the class parents and all GTAs donate their time to provide child care for the evening.