Choose a Health Outcome of Chronic Stress
Day 2 of the BioScann Stress Curriculum introduces students to the components of public health campaigns. Students play the role of STEM-related professionals to analyze data about stress-related health conditions, including cardiovascular disease (CVD), substance use disorder (SUD), and depression. Today the class identifies which of these stress-related health conditions is most important for their peers to know about and should be included in the public health campaign.
In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, In the tabs below, you’ll find the information you need to prepare for class. To access copies of the slides, workbook, and teacher resources, click the link to the Google Drive folder, or the Box download link (for .pptx, .docx, and PDF files) at the bottom of the page.
Learning Objectives:
- Students will be able to interpret and evaluate data from a particular perspective to make a decision about which health condition is most important to educate students about.
- Students will come to a consensus as a jigsaw group about which stress-associated health condition should be shared in the education message of the campaign.