New Teachers Collaborative program (Devens)

New Teachers Collaborative is seeking recent college graduates who may be interested in the teaching profession.

Located in Devens, Massachusetts, New Teachers Collaborative (NTC) is a one-year program that allows candidates to secure full teacher licensure in Massachusetts and achieve one full-year of teaching experience. We are currently seeking graduates interested in teaching in middle and secondary schools but who have not yet taken education courses or who have not completed licensure requirements. College graduates who have degrees in the humanities, sciences, kinesiology, and Spanish are strongly encouraged to apply. Information can be found at  We have trained and certified more than 200 teachers in our small, cohort-based, learn-to-teach-by-teaching model, and we are actively seeking applicants for next year’s cohort of learners.

Summer Opportunity for the Yleana Leadership Foundation

The Yleana Leadership Foundation is interested in recruiting both grads and undergrads for a transformative SAT summer camp that is part SAT bootcamp, part on-campus college experience, and part traditional summer camp. We are looking for people who are willing to work hard and have an amazing time creating a summer camp experience for high school students from under-resourced communities.

*Note for summer 2022: We are going to host staff training and both sessions of camp in person at Colgate University. We’re excited to be back in person after two years of virtual camp!

We’re hiring for two different paid positions within our organization this summer; click the links below for more information about each position. 2022 Employment Dates: June 12 – August 8, 2022

Interested in applying? Priority Application Deadline: May 15, 2022

  • Fill out our form here:
  • All applicants will be required to take an SAT assessment as part of the hiring process

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