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2015 GIS Poster Expo Gallery

Best in Show:

Gabe Joseph
Buzzkill: Minimizing Aircraft Noise over Denali National Park

Juan Taborda
Linking Decentralization and Economic Development in Colombia

Runners Up:

Danielle Ngo, Sol Ucciani and Alister Wood
Site Suitability Analysis for Solar and Wind Energy Power Plants

Jacqueline Ochoa
Assessing Environmental Inequality in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain

Seth Pate
Mapping Voter Preference: Spatial Clusters in Taiwan’s 2014 Local Elections

Maria Ordovas-Montanes
Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Distribution along the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for Food Web Dynamics

Joyce Harduvel
Public Housing under HOPE VI: A Spatial Analysis of Chicago

Anne Elise Stratton
Water-Intensive Agriculture in California’s Drought

Melissa Weihmayer
Measure of Diversity and Segregation in Berlin, Germany

Carolyn Talmadge
Sahel Migration Patterns, 2014


Fall 2014 – UEP 0232 Intro to GIS: GIS for Urban Analysis

Benjamin Baldwin
A Just Transition: Wind Farm Suitability to Replace the Brayton Point Coal Power Plant

Marc Germain
Identifying “Neighborhood School Zones” Utilizing Community-based Indicators

Breann Jeffries
Snapshot of Boston: Examining Need and Access

Wil Mackey
Conflict Vulnerability in the Central African Republic (CAR)

Michael Sellitto
Are District Compactness Scores an Indicator of Gerrymandering?

Madeline Wrable
Climate Classification of India, Based on Surfaces Generated from Ground Weather Stations

Laurie Calvert
Community Inventory—Somerville, MA

Rebecca Goldberg
Public Housing Proximity to Highways in New York City

Rachel Kelly
Using GIS as a Tool for Community Economic Development

Maria Martinez Vazquez
Mapping Gentrification: Assessing the risk in Somerville, Medford, Malden and Everett

Max Tanguay-Colucci
City for Thought: A Place-Based GIS Approach to Identifying Educational Opportunity Centers and its Applications to School Oriented Development (SOD)

Deema Dabbagh
Analyzing Drought Vulnerability Analysis : United States

Kirsten Hickey
Vulnerability Index of Expected Childhood Asthma Prevalence in Somerville, MA

Alexander Kostura
Mapping the Digital Divide in Washington, DC

Rayn Riel
Transportation Finance in Brooklyn: Value Capture and Joint Development

Emma Wells
Surrounding Households and Continued Water Treatment Use

Fall 2014 – GIS 101 Undergraduate Introduction to GIS

Stephanie Clarke
Vulnerability Analysis of the Parker and Mystic Watersheds in Massachusetts

Alejandra Garcia-Pletsch
Assessing racial differences in incidence rates of work-related injuries across Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) in Massachusetts, 2008-2011

Panayiotis Koutsogeorgas
Berkshire County Wind Suitability Analysis: Berkshire County, Massachusetts

Emily Lynn
Does Prevalence of “Healthier” Restaurants Affect Obesity Rates?

Yirat Nieves
Supermarket Service Analysis in the Latino Population of Santa Ana, CA

Heidi Schillinger
Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution and Potential Environmental and Social Factors in Boston

Hannah Ehrlich
The Buzz on West Nile Virus: A Vulnerability Analysis

Christine Gregory
An Accessibility Analysis for the Disabled Population: District of Columbia

Flora Lang
Commuter Affordability in the Boston Metropolitan Region

William Parker MacLure
Access, Disadvantage, and Inequality in Boston, Massachusetts

María Ordovás-Montañés
Phytoplankton and zooplankton distribution along the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for food web dynamics

Melissa White
Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Iowa Deer Collisions

Leslie-Anne Flego
Quality Analysis of the RI Public Education System: Investigating current conditions of RI public high school districts in the context of student performance and family income

Dana Howe
Mapping Urban Agriculture and Racial Distribution in Boston, MA

Katharine Lynch
Culinary Markers of Class Transformation: Gentrification and the food landscape of the Greater Boston Area

Joe Mark
Fishery Management in the Gulf of Maine

Joe Sax
Instability, Accessibility, and UN Peacekeeping in the Eastern D.R. Congo

Fall 2014 – CEE 187: Engineering Geographic Information Systems

Tania Alarcon
Characterizing Tap-to-Household Water Recontamination: Method Development for Regions with Limited Data Availability

Jessica Haitz
Utilizing Geothermal Energy for Electric Power Generation on Contaminated Sites in the Great Basin Region of the U.S.

Jake Mittleman
Network Analysis of Access to Public Transportation in New York City

Jennifer Skerker
Heat-Related Hospitalizations in Older Adults: The Atlanta MSA

Lidia Tejada
Income Inequalities and Food Security: Obesity Risk for Neighborhoods in Manhattan, New York

Divya Bhasin
Feasibility Study of Wind Power in Massachusetts: A GIS Analysis

Hong Jie Lim
A Cost-Analysis of a Potential High-Speed Rail Network in Guangxi Province

John Russell
Utility of Rail Transit in the Boston Area

Camila A Solorzano Barrera
Heat-Related Hospitalizations in Older Adults in the Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area

Dennis Fee
Southern California Fault Lines: Where will the Next “Big One” Hit?

Killian Madden
Mapping Detroit, Michigan Using GIS to Determine A Livability Score

Gabriella Simundson
Finding Onkalo: Recreating Finland’s Deep Geologic Repository Site Selection Process

Ripley Swan
Earthquake Damage Analysis: Christchurch, New Zealand: A study of the causes of damage in the 2010/2011 Christchurch earthquakes

Fall 2014 – Nutr 231: Fundamentals of GIS for Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Applications

Brittany Peats
Composting Capacity in Massachusetts

Joanna Grace Brown
Prospecting an Orchard in Shelburne, MA

Janeen Madan
Exploring relationships between stunting and distance to health centers and commune capitals in Mali

Aaron Shier
Modeling Development Threat to Farmland in Hadley & Northampton, MA

Rose Gould
The Tragic Cost of the Syrian War, Millions Displaced: Where Will They Go Now?

Julia Kelly
The Tulsa Food Waste Project A Suitability Analysis

Rachel Banner
Fast Food Restaurants: Density and Proximity to Children at High Risk

Naisi Zhao
Crime Rate Adjusted Walkability

Devin Groman
Availability of SNAP Retail Stores in King County, WA

Katherine Howe
Exploration of Nuclear Emergency Preparedness

Rebecca Rottapel
Community Health and Nutrition Hubs in Boston: Identifying sites for centralized and integrated primary care service and local healthy food access in the City of Boston

Fall 2014 – Advanced Geographical Information Systems

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Elizabeth Bonventre
Essex County 40B Housing Community Selection Analysis

Alexandra Kulinkina and Ariel Branz
Mapping Risk Factors for Urogenital Schistosomiasis

Andrew Wiley
Analyzing Calls to the Mayor’s 24-hour Hotline

Maddy Ball
Sao Paulo Brazil: An Emerging Megacity

Zach Conrad
Capacity estimate of kiwi production in northern California: A site suitability analysis for Butte County

Bart McDonough
Identifying Suitable Locations for Beaver Settlements in Massachusetts

Caitlin Bettisworth
Site Suitability Analysis for an AERIS TestBed

Brian Creamer
Gentrification Susceptibility Patterns in the Urban Periphery

Hanaa Abdel Rohman
Mapping Construction, Health, and Environmental Justice in Boston

Spring 2015 – Fletcher DHP P207: GIS for International Applications

Rachel Bass
Microfinance Market Expansion: Myanmar

Yvonne Durbin
Water in South Africa: Where Vulnerability, Access and Opportunity Align

Zijia Guo
Environmental Impacts of Coal Use in China

Albert Karcher
Making Real Estate Investment Trust Properties Energy Efficient

Najia Mohamed
Strained access to infrastructure and resources in Lebanon

Liz Peyton
Let the Sun Shine In: Optimal Sites for Solar Farms in Indonesia

Juan Taborda
Linking Decentralization and Economic Development in Colombia

Rose Winn
Where Are The Right Sites To Site ‘RITE’?

Molly Zapata
Matching Needs and Response Capacity

Katerina Canyon
Comparing Broadband Speed with Crime Rates in Atlanta, Georgia by Census Tracts

Kazue Evans
Where are Local Communities at Risk in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Mark Hoover
Engaging Disapora: Housing Developments in Addis Ababa

Alex Kreko
Vulnerability to Climate Change: Guangdong Province, China

Siddarth Nagaraj
Primary School Feeding Partnerships in Bangalore, India

Shawn Snow
Nigeria: Conflict Analysis– The Rise of Boko Haram & MEND

Melissa Weihmayer
Measures of Diversity and Segregation in Berlin, Germany

Mio Yamada
Private Sector Mobilization and the Ebola Pandemic: Why it Matters in West Africa

Geoffrey Carr
Climate Change and Violence: Nigeria as a Case Study

Emma Fredieu
Terrorism in Lebanon: Identifying high-risk areas for attack

Ali Jafri
An Analysis of Violence Patterns in Karachi, 2008-2013

Yaw Bawm Mangshang
Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) Sphere of Influence

Seth Pate
Mapping voter preference: Spatial clusters in Taiwan’s 2014 local elections

Lauren Spink
Site Selection for Refugee and IDP Camps to House Population Displaced from Nigeria

Travis Wheeler
Mapping Political Violence in Pakistan, 2006-2011

Florence Young-Aragbaiye
Nigeria’s Household Access to Electricity, 2008

Spring 2015 – UEP 0232 – Intro to GIS: GIS for Urban Analysis

Erin Coutts
Assessing Heat Vulnerability and Cooling Resources: A Case study of Boston

Joyce Harduvel
Public Housing under HOPE VI: A Spatial Analysis of Chicago

Anna Krane
Walkability and Socio-Economic Status

Joe Sacchi
Building a Brownfields Database in Geographic Information Systems

Cory Felder
Concentrated Solar Power Suitability in Morocco

Matt Hinds
Foodshed Identification and Boston’s Fruit and Vegetable Demand, Output and Potential

Victoria Kulwicki
The Boston Bounty Bucks Program: An Accessibility Analysis

Barbara Shepard-Kim
Immigrant Vulnerability: An Exploration in the Boston Metro Area

Timothy Gramt
Developing the Malden: Property Value Through River Restoration

Neal Hussein
Egypt’s Story of Political Conflict from the Revolution to the Present

Danielle Ngo, Sol Ucciani & Alister Wood
Site Suitability Analysis for Solar and Wind Energy Power Plants

Yu Xiang
Key Factors of Public Transportation Usage in the MBTA Area

Spring 2015 – GIS 101 Undergraduate Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Mallory Abreu
Where Do We Put Our Prisons?

Cara Goodman
Community Wind Site Suggestions in Eastern Massachusetts

Linda Jiang
Assessing Measles Vaccination Coverage and Income in Orange County, California

Robert Mathai
Exploring Conflict in Iraq

Parker Smith
Analyzing the Metro’s Station Area Densities

Savannah Christiansen
Hazardous Waste Exposure Analysis in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Caroline Higley
Could Cambridge Host Solar Energy?

Kristen Lueck
A New Hospital for Haiti: Mapping Location Suitability after the 2010 Earthquake

Griffin Richards
Prioritizing Saltmarsh Restoration Projects in Northeast MA

Jennifer Straitz
MBTA Rapid Transit Crime Analysis

Stephanie Cleland
Educational Attainment and Per Capita Income in Jackson, Mississippi Area School Districts

Claire Hoffman
Farmers’ Market Accessibility in Philadelphia

Angelica Luna
To Find a Home: A Spatial Distribution of Preference

Benjamin Sherman
North Atlantic Right Whales – Conservation & Safety

Anne Elise Stratton
Water-Intensive Agriculture in California’s Drought

Spring 2015 – CEE 194A: Introduction to Remote Sensing

Emily L. Lynn
Changes in Land Cover and Malaria Incidence in Mangalore, Karnataka, India: 1998-2013

Max D. Tanguay-Colucci
A vegetation change detection approach to analyzing the prevalance of urban irrigation in Phoenix, Arizona

John Tyler O. McCullough
Urban Development and Wildfire on the Island of Hawai’i

Aishwarya Venkat
Supervised Classification of Agricultural Crops: a Case Study in Vellore, India

Matthew C. Simon
Identification of Wildlife Burn Areas in Eastern Washington Using Satellite Remote Sensing

Rebekah E. Waller
The Consequences of Water Scarcity: Assessing Irrigated Agriculture in Northeastern Syria Using Satellite Imagery

Spring 2015 – PH 0262: GIS for Public Health

Halli L. Benson
Spatial Access to Reproductive Resources in Suffolk County, MA

Michael A. Goulart
Using Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analyses to Depict Reported Hepatitis C Cases in Massachusetts, 2002‐2013

Jacqueline M. Ochoa
Assessing Environmental Inequality in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain

Emma L. Wise Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cervical Cancer Visualizing Awareness Across the United States

Clarissa M. Brown
Regional and National Adoption of the Healthy Kids Out of School Patch Program for Scouts

Xingyi Han
The effect of living condition on asthma severity in the USA

Jennifer Olsen
WASH in Kenya: An Urban-Rural Divide

Wanda Wright
Dental Disparities and Access to Fluoridation in Massachusetts

Ashley Donahue
DTaP and Tdap Vaccination Rates in the United States and Their Effect on Pertussis Cases from 2000‐2012

Lindsay Giesen
The Supply of Primary Care Physicians Across the United States

Ariella R Korn
Food environment factors and obesity prevalence among low-income preschool children, New York State

Yiru Shen
Grocery stores, gyms, hospitals, and fast food restaurants accessibility in main cities around Boston

Spring 2015 – Nutr 231: Fundamentals of GIS for Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Applications

Rachael R Barrett
Dental Patient Advertising Feasibility in Whidbey Island, WA

Matthew A. Hazel
Tea Production and Elevation in Zhejiang Province

Caroline Nathan Stunting Prevalence in Cambodia: An exploration of potential underlying factors

Caroline G. Sluyter
National Conservation Easements and Cropland

Shenglin Zheng
Evaluation of Farmers’ Markets in Boston

Tegan S. Gregory
Confined Animal Feeding Operation Classification System

Dorothy Kenworthy
Farm to Home: The supplementation of agricultural land by residential land in Maryland counties near Washington, D.C. and Baltimore City, from 1973 to 2010

Yanni Poulakos
Who will pay for parking? Medford’s new paid parking initiative: Retreat or Expand?

Nicole T. Smith
Residents in Deep Water: Storm Surge Inundation in Cambridge and Somerville

David T. Grist
Saving Vital Waters: Estimating the Nitrogen Load Reduction from urine Diverting Toilets in the Bass River Watershed on Cape Cod

Shanshan Liu
Suitability for New Farmers’ Markets to Increase Food Access for Households on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) Program in Boston

Daniel S. Robinson
An Analysis of the Geographic Distribution of Healthcare Facilities in Senegal

Nate Spence
Maine’s Declining Soft-Shell Clam Population

Spring 2015 – EOS 104: Geological Applications of GIS

Katherine Ainsworth
Using Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Data to Identify Suitable Lobster Habitat in Long Island Sound

Mari Fromstein
Does Mining Pose a Risk to the Boundary Waters?

Gabe Joseph
BUZZKILL: Minimizing Aircraft Noise over Denali National Park

Zachary Smith
How Climate Change Threatens Water Security” Mapping Sea Level Rise in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Luke Burkhalter
Protecting Deep Sea Corals in the Western Gulf of Mexico

Caroline Gleason
VRMP Analysis in the Presumpscot RiverWatershed: A View of Water Quality Monitoring in Maine

Willy Kite
Tufts Campus Groundwater Conditions from the GeoJumbo Well Array

Liz Webber-Bruya
Evaluating Landslides near Oso, Washington: A Risk Assessment

Elizabeth Fisher
Evaluation of Potential Landing Sites for Surface Rover Missions on the Planet Mercury

Molly Greer
Drought Intensity and Wildfire Extent in California 2006-2013

Brianna Rupkalvis
Rainforests of the Ocean: The Effects of inland Erosion on Coral Reefs in Oahu, Hawaii

Spring 2015 – Advanced Geographic Information Systems

Tania Alarcon
Effects of Spatial Assumptions: Characterizing Tap to Household Water Contamination in India

Hannah Ehrich
Arboviruses in Australia: A Spatial-Temporal Vulnerability Analysis

Livia Baer-Bositis
how does a lady butterfly choose where to lay her eggs?

Christine Gregory
An Analysis of Population Health and Urban Proximity in Colombia

Jake Mittleman
Optimal Commuter Counties in NYC metropolitan Area

Stephanie Clarke
Possible Indicators of Bacteria Hotspots in Arlington

Aishwarya Venkat
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Cholera: A Case Study in Vellore, India, 2000-2014