October Learning Opportunities @ Hirsh!

Scared of stats? Spooked by lit reviews? Frightened by citation management?



October doesn’t have to be a scary month with October Learning Opportunities@Hirsh! The Hirsh Library and Tufts DataLab have a frightfully awesome line-up of learning opportunities for October filled with tips & treats!

In addition to workshops, we will also be holding additional drop-in sessions and office hours so that you can ask questions and get one-on-one help . To see full descriptions and to register for workshops (nb: you don’t need to attend a workshop or register in advance in to attend drop-in sessions and office hours), please visit: https://hirshlibrary.tufts.edu/services/open-workshops



10/1 Building Interactive Visualizations with Tableau (1-2 pm Sackler 510)

10/2  Visualizing Data with R (9-11am Sackler 514)

10/9 EndNote (9-10am Sackler  510)

10/11 Intro to GIS using ArcMap  (12 – 1:30pm Sackler 514)

10/16 Approaching the Lit Review (9-10am Sackler 510)

10/17  Statistics in R: Intermediate Level (10-11am  Sackler 510 )

10/23 PubMed (9-10am Sackler 510)

10/24 Story Maps: Not Your Average Presentation (11am-12pm  Sackler 510 )

10/31 An Intro to LabArchives Digital Notebook (11am-12pm Sackler 510)


Drop-In Session/Office Hours:

10/1 Tableau  (2-3pm Sackler 510) 

10/3 Visualizing Data with R (4-6pm Sackler 514)

10/11 EndNote (4-6pm Sackler 4) 

10/11 GIS (1:30 – 2:30pm Sackler 514)

10/19 Approaching the Lit Review (8:30-10am Sackler 4)

10/17  R Help ( 11am-12pm Sackler 510 )

10/26 PubMed (11-1pm Sackler 4)

10/24 ArcGIS Online & Story Maps (12-1pm Sackler 510 )